
Risultati per "europe"


  • The Final Teen Spirit Mashup (Nirvana vs Europe)

    Da fanatica dei mashup, mi sono iscritta al gruppo per segnalare questo mix fantastico, tra Nirvana, e Europe. Final countdown Vs. Smell like a teen spirit - un capolovoro Nirvana: Smells Like Teen SpiritEurope: The Final Countdown qualcuno l'ha già ribattezzato Smell Like Europe

    HashTag: nirvana, smells like teen spirit, europe, the final countdown, mashup

    2627 giorni fa

  • Europa: class action contro Facebook in Austria

    Al centro della disputa le presunte violazioni delle leggi Europee sulla privacy ad opera della dirigenza di Facebook. Ma non è la richiesta di risarcimento (500 euro ad utente) a far tremare Menlo Park. L’udienza prevista a Vienna per il prossimo 9 aprile potrebbe essere l’ep...

    HashTag: class action, europe

    3408 giorni fa

  • Europa-stan: The Islamic Future of Europe

    The year is 2050 A.D.: Europe is finally conquered by Islam, and not a shot is fired. Islam has conquered parts of Europe before: 1) Islamic Spain under The Moors 2) Eastern Europe under The Ottoman Empire

    HashTag: islam, europe, muslim, moors, conquest, islamic, european, eurabia, europastan, ottoman, empire, moslem, unione europea

    3540 giorni fa

  • EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late!

    EUROPE vs ISLAM - Which way of life you would like? Decide NOW before it is too late! Support Geert Wilders and restore back Europe!

    HashTag: islam, germany, denmark, gaza, israel, islamist, islamic, france, iraq, italy, muslim, muslims, egypt, europe, america, jihad, terrorism, terrorists, infidels, fight, allah,...

    4422 giorni fa

  • "Vikings Possibly Carried Native American to Europe"

      The first Native American to arrive in Europe may have been a woman brought to Iceland by the Vikings more than 1,000 years ago, a study by Spanish and Icelandic researchers suggests... MORE

    HashTag: vikings, america, anomalies, research, dna, native, europe, american

    2821 giorni fa