
Risultati per "real"


  • Mitakuye oyasin

    Mitakuye oyasin - from Lakota culture. The power of drums, chants, nature, body, movement to dissolve our idea of separation from the Spirit, the Sacred, our real Self. ♥ We'll post here news,...

    4016 giorni fa

  • Gossip Famoso? e chi se ne frega

    Gossip Famoso? e chi se ne frega

    Siamo stufi di Gossip, matrimoni reali, attori finti gay, morti fittizie, ebbasta ! In tutto il mondo si è...ta. In studio anche Cesara Buonamici, Enzo Miccio (il wedding planner di Real time) e Alfonso Signorini.  ...

    3021 giorni fa


  • Frasi famose - parte 16

    ...thing about the future is The only really vital thing in religion is...iling to understand is cursed. The real tragedy of life is not in ~ Alexander Woolcott There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spell...utterfly. ~ Lao Tzu What the world really needs is more love and less...

    3060 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14

    ...f we love, we will serve. ~ Mother Teresa If we really want to love we must learn...o Galilei In silence we find a new energy and a real unity. God's energy becomes o...una divisione. La Fantasia mette radici dove la realta' vuol morire. (James Joyce)...

    3060 giorni fa

  • Trovati altri 7 elementi in Discussioni



