
Risultati per "filmato"



  • Scherzo di Natale

    ...he hanno recitato la parte di una equipe medica, ha convinto il suo amico che era stato in coma per 10 anni. Dopo aver meticolosamente filmato tutto, ha poi postato il vide...

    158 giorni fa

  • Whatsapp novità 2017

    ...vete la possibilità di scattare una foto o girare un brevissimo filmato, persino editandolo con degli...ostro video, semplicemente cliccando sull'occhiello sotto nel suddetto filmato. E' una cosa carina ma anche...

    2654 giorni fa

  • Trovati altri 21 elementi in Blog




  • Man beheaded in carpark as per Muslim Shariah law

    Francesco 4449 giorni fa nel gruppo ISLAM: NO GRAZIE
    Dozens of people have watched the public beheading of a Sudanese man in a Saudi Arabian carpark after he was found guilty in a secret trial of being a sorcerer. Shocking vision of the execution has emerged, showing Abdul Hamid Bin Hussain Bin Moustafa al-Fakki crouched on his knees and blindfolded as he awaits his death. The vision shows the executioner delivering the single blow that decapitates the man. Abdul Hamid is understood to have been arrested in 2005 after he was entrapped by a man working for the Mutawa'een (Islamic religious police) He was asked to concoct a spell that would cause the officer's father to leave his second wife. Mr Hamid reportedly carried out the curse in exchange for 6,000 Saudi Arabian riyals (about $1500). In a secret trial, where he was not allowed legal representation, he was sentenced to death by the General Court in Medina in March 2007. Mr Hamid, who was killed on September 20, is believed to have been the 44th person executed in Saudi Arabia this year - and the 11th foreign national. Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Director for the Middle East and North Africa, heavily criticised the killing. "Abdul Hamid's execution is appalling as is Saudi Arabia's continuing use of this most cruel and extreme penalty," he told The Daily Mail. The charity campaigned on Mr Hamid's behalf.