
Risultati per "time"


  • Quando la Donna va in Letargo

    ...ere semplicemente qualcuno accanto. Il 67% delle donne che lavorano part-time avrebbero migliori opportunità di fare l'amore contro il 55% di quelle che lavorano full-time… > Secondo gli es...

    1226 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 16

    ...e sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up. The...ain't read. ~ Abraham Lincoln The time is always right to do what is...e vuoi essere amato, ama! (Seneca) Time heals griefs and quarrels, fo...n If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ Mother Teresa...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 15

    ...llaume Apollinaire Now is the time to be doing, now is the time...ner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up. Pe...t? What am I going to do next time? How can I do this and have f...ys up because it doesn't have time to fall. ~ Orville Wright The...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14

    ...If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. ~ Chinese pr...sul luogo del miracolo? Il sentimento piu' forte e piu' antico d...convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the.... Le formalita' simulano i sentimenti che non sono veri. (vecchi...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 13

    ...again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes is certain for those who are..., you won't become much. ~ Jim Rohn Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to...lliant) I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 12

    ...oglio andarmene. Dio, prendimi! (ultime parole di George Eisenhower,...ty to realize our dreams, only the time we are here. (Susan Taylor) W.... ~ Lanza del Vasto You waste your time always searching for those wa...t remains to them? ~ Rose Kennedy (Times to Remember) Bisogna stare a...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 11 I said yes Cybernetic Tiger (AUG) Sometimes I feel no emotions, sometimes I break down and cry Alice C...urday (IDLM) Take every day one drink at a time, take every drink one sip at...lude Los Angeles, now would be the perfect time to disembark Douglas Adams Th...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 10 morbillo - Paco D'Alcatraz Power may be at the end of a gun, but sometimes it's also at the end of the...God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. Robin Williams Seemed like...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 9

    ...g) Never say that you have no time. On the whole it is those who are busiest who can make time for yet more, and those who Noi, 2004, siamo ancora vittime di imbonitori Giovanni Boniol...ltimo a cui spiace morire. (ultime parole di Charles Darwin) Non...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 8

    ...micizia e' il piu' perfetto dei sentimenti perche' e' il piu' libero....e Querte La bonta' e' l'unico investimento che non fallisce mai. Henr...l sogno, il rischio, il riso, i sentimenti e la contraddizione, tutte...Might Be Giants Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so...

    3035 giorni fa

  • Trovati altri 9 elementi in Discussioni